MapLink™ Procedures | Violations and Penalties

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Violations and Penalties
Penalties for offenses.
Any person, firm, company or corporation owning, controlling or managing any building, structure or premises therein or where there shall be placed on or there exists anything in violation of any of the provisions of this chapter and any person, firm, company or corporation who shall assist in the commission of any violation of this chapter or any conditions imposed by the Town Board, Planning Board or the Zoning Board of Appeals; or who shall build or use any building or parcel of land contrary to the plans or specifications submitted to the Code Enforcement Officer and certified as complying with this chapter and the Uniform Code; and any person, firm, company or corporation who shall omit, neglect or refuse to do any act required by this chapter shall be guilty of an offense and subject to the penalty provided in § 268 of the Town Law.

Alternative penalty.
In case of any new violation or any of the provisions of this chapter or conditions imposed by the Town Board, Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals in addition to other remedies herein provided, the Town Board may institute any appropriate action or proceeding to prevent such unlawful erection, structural alteration, reconstruction, moving and/or use, to restrain, correct or abate such violation, to prevent the occupancy of such building, structure or land or to prevent any illegal act, conduct, business or use in or about such premises.