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Includes Land Use specific dimensional standard tables and black and white versions of individual EPOD maps for easy printing. EPOD maps are formatted to fit legal sized paper. 

Agricultural Conservation

Dimensional standards table for the Agricultural Conservation District.


Town of Parma Environmental Protection Overlay District - Federal Wetlands


Town of Parma Environmental Protection Overlay District - Wetlands Protected by NYS DEC


Town of Parma Environmental Protection Overlay District - Flood Hazard Zones


Town of Parma Environmental Protection Overlay District - Stream Corridors


Town of Parma Environmental Protection Overlay District - Woodlots


Town of Parma Environmental Protection Overlay District - Coastal Erosion Hazard Area

General Commercial

Dimensional standards table for the General Commercial District.

High Density Residential

Dimensional standards table for the High Density Residential District.

Highway Commercial

Dimensional standards table for the Highway Commercial District.

Light Industrial

Dimensional standards table for the Light Industrial District.

Medium Density Residential

Dimensional standards table for the Medium Density Residential District.

Neighborhood Commercial

Dimensional standards table for the Neighborhood Commercial District.

Restricted Business

Dimensional standards table for the Restricted Business District.

Rural Residential

Dimensional standards table for the Rural Residential District.

Townhouse Residential

Dimensional standards table for the Townhouse Residential District.

Waterfront Residential

Dimensional standards table for the Waterfront Residential District.