MapLink™ Procedures | Certificates of compliance/occupancy.

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Certificates of compliance/occupancy.
(1) It shall be unlawful to use or occupy or permit the use or occupancy of any building or premises, or both, or part thereof hereafter created, erected, changed, converted or wholly or partly altered or enlarged in its use or structure until a certificate of compliance or certificate of occupancy, as appropriate, has been issued by the Code Enforcement Officer stating that the proposed use of the building or land conforms to the requirements of this chapter.
(2) Failure to obtain either a certificate of occupancy or compliance shall be a violation of this chapter and punishable as provided for herein.
(3) Within seven days after the completion of the change in use of a building or parcel of land, the applicant shall so notify the Code Enforcement Officer stating that such action has been completed in compliance with this chapter. The applicant shall provide the Code Enforcement Officer with suitable evidence to document compliance. This evidence shall be in the form of an instrument survey or comparable documentation. Within seven days of the receipt of this notification, the Code Enforcement Officer shall conduct a final inspection of the premises to determine whether the new use complies with the requirements of this chapter. If the Code Enforcement Officer determines that said building or use complies with the provisions herein, he shall issue a certificate of compliance. If it is determined that the provisions specified herein are not fully complied with, the Code Enforcement Officer shall specify the violations and the terms and conditions for remedying these violations. A certificate of compliance shall not be issued until such violations are corrected.
(4) No nonconforming building or use shall be maintained, renewed, changed or extended without a certificate of compliance having first been issued by the Code Enforcement Officer. The certificate of compliance shall state specifically wherein the nonconforming use differs from the provisions of this chapter.