MapLink™ Procedures | Sign Permits

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Sign Permits
Application for sign permit.
A. A permit to erect, enlarge or place any sign permitted by this chapter shall be obtained from the Town of Parma Code Enforcement Officer.
B. Applications for a sign permit shall be made in writing by the owner, lessee or erector and be accompanied by a scale drawing showing dimensions, proposed design, the legend, colors, materials, structural details and a tape or plot locations map delineating the location of buildings, parking areas, other signs on the same property, frontage of each unit and/or any fences or other obstructions in relation to the designed location of the proposed sign. Lessee or erector applicants shall present evidence of the approval of the owner for such erections.
C. Any additions to an existing sign shall be by permit application, as prescribed above.
D. No permit issued under the terms of this chapter shall be transferable to any person other than the original applicant.
E. A sign permit shall become null and void if the work for which the permit was issued has not been started within a period of six months after the date of issue of the permit.
F. Application for a permit, which requests a sign not permitted under this chapter, must be presented to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Upon such application to the Board, a public hearing shall be held, with notices of such a public hearing, for granting a special permitted use permit as it shall be determined in accordance with the following facts:
(1) The proposed sign is in harmony with the standards for permitted signs and within the spirit of this chapter.
(2) The presence of the proposed sign shall not be detrimental to adjacent property.
(3) The proposed sign does not, by reason of its location, create a hazard of any nature to the public in general or to any adjacent owner or occupant.
(4) The proposed sign does not in any way interfere with the lawful enjoyment of the public highway or of adjacent property.
See Article XIV: Sign Regulations for more information.