MapLink™ Procedures | PR-SR Amendments - Establishing a Planned Development-Senior Residential District

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PR-SR Amendments - Establishing a Planned Development-Senior Residential District
(1) Establishment of PD-SR District.
The Town Board may, on its own motion or in response to an application, amend the Zoning Map to establish a Planned Development-Senior Residential district. In reaching its decision, the Town Board shall consider this statement of purpose, objectives and general criteria set forth in this chapter, as well as the current Comprehensive Plan for the Town.
(2) Before the consideration of zoning of any property to a PD-SR District can take place by the Town Board, the owner, or his authorized agent, submit an application for rezoning to PD-SR to the Town Board. Such application shall include a conceptual site plan as described in Article XIII: Site Plan Regulations. The Town Board shall refer the conceptual site plan to the Planning Board, which shall review it in accordance with the site plan approval procedures established in Article XIII: Site Plan Regulations. The Planning Board shall submit a report of its findings to the Town Board.
(3) Upon receipt of a favorable report from the Planning Board covering the conceptual site plan, or upon its own determination subsequent to an unfavorable report, the Town Board shall set a date for and conduct the public hearings necessary for the purpose of considering PD-SR Districting for the applicant's plan in accordance with the procedures established in § 165-7: Amendments.
(4) Following the public hearing, the Town Board may establish the PD-SR District. PD-SR Districting shall be conditional upon securing of final site plan approval by the applicant in accordance with procedures set forth in Article XIII: Site Plan Regulations and compliance with all additional conditions and requirements as may be set forth by the Town Board in its resolution granting the PD-SR Districting.
(5) The Planning Board shall conduct a single review that will address the requirements of site plan review under the provisions of Article XIII: Site Plan Regulations, as well as those for the review of subdivisions under Town Subdivision Regulations, subject to the following conditions:
(a) As directed by the Town Planning Board, the developer shall prepare sets of subdivision plats suitable for filing with the Office of the Monroe County Clerk, in addition to those drawings required for site plan review.
(b) The developer may plat the entire development either as a subdivision or as a single property. Multiple phases of development, if any, shall be identified on the plat. The Planning Board may require that the final site plan/subdivision review for phases be approved and recorded individually.