MapLink™ Procedures | Temporary Use Permits

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Temporary Use Permits
Upon written direction of the Town Board, the CEO is hereby empowered to issue temporary use permits as specified herein.
(1) All temporary use permit(s) approved by the Town Board shall be in effect for a period of one year. Said permit(s) may be extended by the Town Board for additional periods not to exceed 12 months, and only if the applicant demonstrates that the use shall not continue indefinitely.
(2) In the event that a permanent residence is destroyed by fire or another means, a temporary use permit may be approved to enable the placement of a temporary residence on a lot in a residential district, provided that the owner of the property obtains a building permit to erect a dwelling unit on said lot in accordance with Town regulations.
(3) All fees associated with the granting or renewal of a temporary use permit shall be established in the manner provided for in Article XVIII: Fees and Reimbursable Costs of this chapter.