A. No filling of earth or other materials to establish grades shall be allowed without a permit issued by the Planning Board.
B. All requests for a filling permit shall be supported by a plan of action, complete with appropriate documentation to describe the size and type of the proposed operation. Four copies of the plan shall be submitted with the application to the Planning Board.
C. The following information shall be identified on the plan, drawn to scale, preferably one inch equals 50 feet, but no smaller than one inch equals 100 feet:
(1) North arrow.
(2) Property owner's name and address.
(3) Operator's name and address, if different from property owner.
(4) Property lines and dimensions and highway boundary lines.
(5) Existing grades based on USGS datum.
(6) Existing topography (woods, large trees, streams, ditches, swales, roads, structures, etc.) on the site to be filled, and on adjacent properties if within 20 feet of the property line.
(7) Proposed finished grades after filling is completed.
(8) Proposed entrance to dumping site, and method of controlling access, such as a fence and gate, to prevent unauthorized dumping.
(9) Estimate of the volume (cubic yards) of fill to be placed.
(10) Approximate timetable for the operation.
(11) Statement as to the type of materials to be placed.
(12) Type and thickness of final cover material and topsoil and seeding mixture.
(13) Reasons for filling.
(14) Show typical cross section of fill area.
(15) Show on plan and notes how erosion is to be controlled.
(16) All maps and supporting documentation shall be prepared by a licensed surveyor or engineer.
D. The owner of the site and/or the operator of the fill shall be present at the Planning Board meeting to present the application and to respond to questions.
E. The Planning Board may consult with other Town boards, agencies and consultants prior to reaching a decision on the proposed action.
Applications for Planning Board Review for more information.