MapLink™ Procedures | EPOD (5) Woodlot Protection District

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EPOD (5) Woodlot Protection District
Activities regulated.
(1) All activities not otherwise exempted by § 165-47: Permit application and review requirements shall be regulated.
(2) Activities that would involve the clearance of more than one acre of the woodlot EPOD.

Standards for permit review.
(1) General regulations.
Any applicant for a permit to undertake a regulated activity within a Woodlot Protection District shall be required to adequately demonstrate that the proposed activity shall in no way, at present or at any time in the future, adversely affect the following:
(a) Soil stability.
(b) Velocity of surface water runoff.
(c) Existing drainage systems.
(d) Natural characteristics of a watercourse or wetland.
(e) Significant tree species.
(f) Significant wildlife habitats.

Specific standards. 
No permit to undertake a regulated activity within the Woodlot Protection District shall be issued unless it is determined that the proposed project complies with the following standards:
(1) A pre-, during- and post-protection plan for trees to be saved or moved shall be prepared. For applications to be reviewed by the Planning Board, this plan shall be prepared by a qualified consulting forester, arborist or horticulturist.
(2) For applications to be reviewed by the Planning Board, an integrated site plan which includes the woodlot protection plan, the landscape plan and any additional development on the site shall be prepared by a qualified consulting forester, arborist or horticulturist. The plan shall show all new or expanded structures, utilities, access roads, grading or other activities which may adversely affect the woodlot.
(3) Vehicles, materials and equipment storage shall not be allowed in areas fenced to protect trees.
(4) In planning development sites, applicants shall preserve as much mature vegetation as possible. The use of clustering of buildings to avoid mature wooded areas shall be encouraged wherever practical, as well as the planting of replacement vegetation to mitigate the unavoidable uses of woodlots.
Application Materials
document icon EPOD Application