MapLink™ Procedures | Site Plan Applications

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Site Plan Applications
Application details.
Each application for a site plan review, temporary use or special permitted use shall be accompanied with a proposed site plan. All site plans submitted to the Town for review and approval shall be prepared by a licensed professional engineer, architect, land surveyor or landscape architect as per New York State Education Law. The materials to be submitted with each application shall clearly show the conditions on the site at the time of the application, the features of the site which are to be incorporated into the proposed use or building, and the appearance and function of the proposed use or building. The application shall include the following information and specify both "before" and "after" conditions:
A. The location, design, dimensions, use and height of each proposed building and yard area.
B. Property boundaries, as shown on an accurate map drawn to scale, including the precise location of the center line of the road, dimensions, North arrow and date.
C. A general location map showing the location of the property in relation to adjacent parcels.
D. The location and arrangement of vehicular accessways and the location, size and capacity of all areas to be used for off-street parking.
E. Information to describe topography and natural grades.
F. Provisions for water supply, sewage disposal electric and gas service, and storm drainage.
G. The location of fire hydrants.
H. The location and design of outdoor lighting facilities.
I. The location and design of construction materials of all proposed signs.
J. The location and capacity of all areas to be used for loading and unloading and the distance to the nearest intersection.
K. The location and dimensions of sidewalks, walkways and other areas established for pedestrian use.
L. The design and treatment of open areas, buffer areas and screening devices maintained, including dimensions of all areas devoted to lawns, trees and other landscaping devices.
M. The location of fire and other emergency zones.
N. Other elements integral to the proposed development as considered necessary by the Code Enforcement Officer, Town Engineer or Planning Board, including a property survey, any and all requirements to comply with the State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) procedures, other community impacts and the identification of any state or county permits required for the execution of the project.

See Applications for Planning Board Review for more information.